Beta Club » Beta Constitution and By-Laws

Beta Constitution and By-Laws

Belle Chasse High School
Constitution and By-Laws
For Local Chapter of


Article I
The name of this organization shall be the Belle Chasse High School Chapter of The National Beta Club.

Article II
Affiliation and Co-ordination
This chapter of The National Beta Club is an integral part of the central organization of The National Beta Club, and shall be governed by the academic and financial policies laid down in the national constitution of the central organization of The National Beta Club. Its coat-of-arms, motto, colors, creed, and official insignia shall be those of the national organization of The National Beta Club.

Article III
The purpose of this organization shall be the promotion of scholarship, leadership, and good citizenship at Belle Chasse High School.

Article IV
The membership of this organization shall be made up from among the students of the ninth through twelfth grades of Belle Chasse High School who, because of their worthy character, good mentality, creditable achievement, and commendable attitude, have been approved for membership by the executive head of Belle Chasse High School; provided, of course, that these students meet the requirements as set forth in the by-laws of this organization as appended herein below.

Article V
The officers of this chapter of The National Beta Club shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Historian, and a Community Service Liason. Other officer positions will serve at the discretion of the President and may include but are not limited to an Upper Classman Representative, a Lower Classman Representative, an Events Planner, and a Fundraiser.

The duties of the President shall be to preside at the meetings; to appoint the committees of the chapter (unless otherwise provided for in the by-laws); to represent this organization when necessary; and to administer the policies as laid down in this constitution and its by-laws.

The duties of the Vice-President shall be to preside at meetings when the president is absent or incapacitated to perform the duties of the office, and to assist in administering the affairs of the chapter—serving on such committees as are designated in the by-laws.

The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep the records of membership; to record the minutes of the meetings; and to carry on the necessary club correspondence.

The duties of the Treasurer shall be to keep a record of all community service points pertaining to this organization; to collect and maintain pertinent information on community service participation, and to pass on to the points treasurer succeeding him all records and points remaining in the treasury.

Article VI
The committees of this chapter of The National (Junior) Beta Club shall be:
1) District and State Convention
2) National Convention (if attending)
3) Community Projects

The duties of the District and State Convention committee shall be to assist the club sponsor in organizing convention meetings, selecting competition participants, arranging practices when necessary, and ensuring all convention rules are followed.

The duties of the National Convention committee shall be to assist the club sponsor in organizing convention meetings, determining eligibility of participants, and insuring club funds for attendance of National Convention.

The duty of the Community Projects Committee shall be to ensure the community involvement of Belle Chasse High School Beta Club. The committee shall meet regularly to discuss necessary projects, determine the role required of the club, and give members an opportunity to enroll in community events. The Community Projects Committee shall work closely with the Points Treasurer, Historian, and Secretary.

In addition to these three committees, the President may appoint special committees to attend to and report upon any specific matter that it may become necessary for this club to consider.

Article VII
Regular meetings shall be held at such times and places as deemed necessary.

Special meetings may be called by the President after consultation with and the approval of the faculty sponsor of the club.

Article VIII
Besides endeavoring at all times to be of service to the Belle Chasse High School and its students by upholding high standards of honesty and good citizenship, this chapter of The National Beta Club shall—after consultation with and upon the approval of the executive head of the high school—undertake some worthwhile service project, as designated in the by-laws appended herein below.

Article IX
Amending the Constitution
The constitution of this organization may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership at any meeting where a quorum is present; provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given at a previous meeting.

BY-LAWS of the Belle Chasse High School Chapter of The National Beta Club

Article I
Time and Place of Meetings
The time and place of meetings of this chapter of The National Beta Club shall be decided upon only after consultation with, and upon the approval of, the executive head of Belle Chasse High School.

Article II
A quorum of this organization shall be constituted by a majority of the membership. No action may be taken which is binding upon the membership unless a quorum is present. However, certain matters—such as a discussion of means of taking in new members, the presentation of a program, etc.—may be carried on at a regular or special meeting without a quorum being present.

Article III
Standards of Membership
Standards of membership in the Belle Chasse High School chapter of The National Beta Club must conform to the general features as laid down in the national constitution, and in all cases must be approved by the executive head of the high school.

The classes from which members may be drawn shall be grades nine through twelve.

The scholastic requirements for membership in this chapter of The National Beta Club shall be a 3.5 overall G.P.A. for new members.

Article IV
Induction of Members
The induction of new members into the membership of this chapter of The National Beta Club shall be one of dignity, appropriate to the ideals of the organization. Any pre-induction initiation activity must be submitted to and approved by the executive head of the Belle Chasse High School. It must not be of a nature to cause physical pain or mental embarrassment to the initiate.

Article V
Loss of Membership
A member of this chapter of The National Beta Club may be dropped from membership if his scholastic record falls below a 3.2 overall G.P.A.

However, no member may be dropped from membership for scholastic deficiency without being accorded a probationary period of one semester (or two nine weeks) to raise his scholastic record above the minimum required for membership.

The executive head of Belle Chasse High School may drop a member from membership for moral or disciplinary reasons that are deemed by him to be sufficient. A member of this chapter of The National Beta Club may be dropped from membership if he/she is suspended out-of-school or sent to the Plaquemines Parish Alternative School. A student dropped from membership for any reason, will be prohibited from rejoining for a minimum of one school year.

A student dropped from membership for any reason may be reinstated provided he meets the new member requirements laid down in the constitution and by-laws of this chapter of The National Beta Club.

If a member who has been dropped is later reinstated, he/she will not be required to pay the national certificate fee again.

If and when a member is dropped from membership, a record of this action shall be relayed to the national office of The National Beta Club immediately.

Article VI
Members on Probation
Any member of this chapter of the National Beta Club placed on probation for academic reasons will have two nine weeks to bring his/her overall G.P.A. back to minimum standards (3.2 overall GPA).

Members on probation may participate in all normal Beta Club activities including regular meetings, community projects, special events, and conventions.

Members on probation who choose to attend district, state, or national convention do so with the understanding that when the probationary period ends, if they have failed to be reinstated into full membership, they are still responsible for the monetary costs of convention.

Article VII
Service Project
As soon as possible, after its activation in the fall semester of the school year, this chapter of The National Beta Club will undertake a program of service which will be of benefit to Belle Chasse High School. This project shall be decided upon only after consultation with, and upon approval of, the executive head of the high school.

Article VIII
Community Service Requirement
All members of this chapter of The National Beta Club are expected to participate in Community Service Activities and accumulate “Beta Points” for their participation. Points are given at a rate of 10 points per hour of service. Students may join in any year of high school, but to maintain membership a student must acquire a minimum of 50 points per year.

Upon graduation, Senior Beta members who have met minimum requirements are honored with Beta Cords and a Diploma Endorsement. Requirements for graduating with Beta honors are: a minimum 3.2 overall GPA and a minimum of 250 Beta Points earned during the senior year.

Article IX
Local Dues and Assessments
The local dues of this chapter of The National Beta Club shall be $25 for new members, and $20 for returning members.

Assessments may be made upon the membership to defray the costs of special undertakings, such as state and/or national convention and other special trips.

Article X
Amending the By-Laws
The by-laws of this chapter of The National Beta Club may be amended by a majority vote of the membership, provided such proposed amendment is placed before the club at a previous meeting.