Belle Chasse High School is pleased to announce the release of their 2016 School Performance Score of 114.8 and an “A” Rating. BCHS can proudly stake claim as the #1 traditional open enrollment high school in the Greater New Orleans Area. The score of 114.8 is a 13.2 point increase from last year, and it marks the second consecutive year that Belle Chasse High School has attained an “A” rating.
Highlighting this year’s improvement were increases in all areas of the school performance score factors. BCHS students increased across the board on ACT scores, EOC scores, graduation rate, and strengths of diplomas earned.
BCHS is very proud to be one of five “A” schools in an “A” rated and top ten district in the state. A special thanks goes out to everyone involved in helping the school achieve this tremendous score, but an extended note of appreciation goes out to the teachers and students who keep their nose to the grindstone every single day and are truly the reason why BCHS is an “A” school.