Counseling » Belle Chasse High School Career Pathway Information

Belle Chasse High School Career Pathway Information

Belle Chasse High School Offers 4 distinct pathways for the Classes 2018-2024:
  • Manufacturing, Construction, Crafts, and Logistics 
  • Digital Media, Arts, and Entertainment
  • Health Sciences
  • Hospitality, Tourism, Culinary, and Retail Pathway
Students must designate which pathway he/she will pursue by the completion of their sophomore year.
Why these pathways were chosen:
As Plaquemines Parish School Board works to align course progressions with workforce economic projections, we are informing you of the most recent Bureau of Labor/Statistics (BLS) workforce data.
BLS April 2016 Statistic Release:
Construction- over the year this field has had the largest gain: 7,000 jobs
Health Sciences- this sector has increased by 6,800 jobs. This path has increased over the year every month since October 2006.
Hospitality, Retail, and Tourism (HRT)- over the last month, the largest increase was seen in the HRT sector by 3,000 jobs; the sub-sector, culinary, increased by 2,100 jobs.
More information on pathways can be obtained through contacting the counselors' office at 504-595-6611.
The Class of 2025 and beyond will have 5 Pathways to choose from:

q Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources  (AFNR)

q Arts, A/V Technology & Communication (ATC)

q Architecture & Construction (AC)

q Health Sciences (HS)

q Hospitality & Tourism (HT)

    *Pathways, course offerings, and certifications are subject to change as BCHS and PPSB continue to expand and become more college and career ready for our students. 

Please see the Transition Night presentation recap that was held on 1/30/2023 below: